Monthly Archives: September 2014

nvidia bumblebee on ubuntu

apt-get purge nvidia*
apt-get purge bumblebee*
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

apt-get install linux-headers-generic

add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable
For more up-to-date nvidia drivers, you need to add another PPA. As of 12.04, this is still necessary for Nvidia GT 6xxM cards. It may be optional for the GT 4xxM and GT 5xxM series on 12.04. When in doubt, just install it.

add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates

apt-get update

Install Bumblebee using the proprietary nvidia driver:

apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia

Reboot or re-login

If you have 32-bit applications like Wine, and run 11.10 Oneiric or later, you will need extra libraries:

sudo apt-get install virtualgl-libs:i386
Allow yourself to use Bumblebee by adding yourself to the ‘bumblebee’ group. (replace $USER by your username)

sudo usermod -a -G bumblebee $USER
Reboot or re-login to apply the group changes If you’d like to run a program on the nvidia card now, use the optirun program:

optirun firefox &


The XQuartz project is an open-source effort to develop a version of the X.Org X Window System that runs on OS X. Together with supporting libraries and applications, it forms the that Apple has shipped with OS X since version 10.5.


Unison is a bidirectional file synchronization tool that runs on Unix-like operating systems (including Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris) and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other. It also unrestricted in terms of which system can be the hos

free SOCKS server

Dante is a product developed by Inferno Nettverk A/S. It consists of a SOCKS server and a SOCKS client, implementing RFC 1928 and related standards. It is a flexible product that can be used to provide convenient and secure network connectivity.

igb eth0 reset adapter

cd /tmp
curl “” [^]
tar xzvf igb-5.1.2.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src
cd /usr/local/src/igb-5.1.2/src
yum install kernel-devel
make install
rmmod igb; modprobe igb