apache could not bind to address :80

Its can be problem with virtual hosts configurations, like there:

Permission Denied: make_sock: Could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down

Listen *:80

KeepAlive on
HostNameLookups on
ServerAdmin admin@my_own_domain_name
ServerName frodo.midearth.local


DocumentRoot “/var/www/vhost/my_own_domain_name/httpdocs”
ServerName frodo.midearth.local

allow from all
Options +Indexes

VirtualHost trying to bind to port 80. It was like httpd would start and bind on port 80 but as soon as the VHOST would start it was trying to bind also to port 80, making the service stop because of the port was in use.

faulty is /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file with the 2 overlapping lines that were causing the issue, so you need add #Listen *:80

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