Grub splash image requirements:
1. xpm.gz file type
2. 640×480
3. 14 colors only
You can use GIMP or just simple convert if image simple.
convert -resize 640×480 -colors 14 orginal.xpm splash.xpm -normalize -verbose -depth 14
gzip splash.xpm
vi /boot/grub/grub.conf
nice red splash: red_splash.xpm.gz
sexy gril splash: girl_splash.xpm.gz
Hints for Gimp:
Image -> Scale Image
Image -> Canvas Size
Layer -> Layer to Image Size
Filters -> Blur -> Selective Gaussian Blur
Image -> Flatten Image
Colors -> Maps -> Gradient Map
Colors -> Levels (auto)
Colors -> Posterize (14)
Image -> Mode -> Indexed (14)
and etc.