Rsnapshot is an open source utility that provides incremental backups.
yum install rsnapshot
config_version 1.2 = Configuration file version
snapshot_root = Destination on where to store snapshots
cmd_cp = Path to copy command
cmd_rm = Path to remove command
cmd_rsync = Path to rsync
cmd_ssh = Path to SSH
cmd_logger = Path to shell command interface to syslog
cmd_du = Path to disk usage command
interval hourly = How many hourly backups to keep.
interval daily = How many daily backups to keep.
interval weekly = How many weekly backups to keep.
interval monthly = How many monthly backups to keep.
verbose = Self-explanatory
loglevel = Self-explanatory
logfile = Path to logfile
ssh_args = Optional SSH arguments, such as a different port (-p )
exclude_file = Path to the exclude file (will be explained in more detail)
rsync_long_args = Long arguments to pass to rsync
lockfile = Self-explanatory
backup = Full path to what to be backed up followed by relative path of placement.
backup_script = Full path to an executable script followed by relative path of placement.