Tag Archives: ESXi

esxi get partition list using esxcli

esxcli –server xx.xx.xx.xx –username root –password ‘xxxxxxxxxx’ system coredump partition list
Name Path Active Configured
————————————– ———————————————————- —— ———-
naa.600508e0000000007578aa98b9874c03:7 /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508e0000000007578aa98b9874c03:7 false false
naa.600508e0000000007578aa98b9874c03:9 /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508e0000000007578aa98b9874c03:9 true true

vEMan – VMware ESX/ESXi Manager


Support vEMan development for v2.0: http://www.gofundme.com/vEMan
Nice GUI for Linux users 😉
Professional Support available!
Deploy OVF from a website to your ESX
Deploy OVF/VMX from local disk to your ESX
Show a list of all your online, suspended and offline VM’s on your ESX
Supporting Ressource Pools
VM-Management: Console (Enable,Disable,Open)
VM-Management: Snapshots (Show,Revert to,Remove,Create,Rename)
VM-Management: Power (Stop,Shutdown,Reboot,Start,Suspend, Resume)
VM-Management: VM status (online/suspended/offline,CPU/MEM usage and many more)
VM-Management: Delete a VM
ESX-Information: Global CPU & MEM usage, ESX version and many more
ESX-Management: add user, change user passwords, change user roles, ..
Planned (v1.0): Simple VM Editor (change CPU count and RAM, Rename VM)
Planned (v2.0): Rewrite vEMan in Python, Using pySphere library instead of VMware SDK
Planned (undecided): Browse datastorages
Planned (undecided): Upload file to a specific datastorage
Support vEMan development for v2.0: http://www.gofundme.com/vEMan

esxcli commands

Show ESXi version and build:
esxcli system version get
vmware -v

Enter Maintenance Mode:
esxcli system maintenanceMode set –enable yes

Exit maintenance Mode:
esxcli system maintenanceMode set –enable no

List only advanced settings that have been changed from the system defaults:
esxcli system settings advanced list –d

List only kernel settings that have been changed from the system defaults:
esxcli system settings kernel list –d

List / Change / Test SNMP:
esxcli system snmp get | hash | set | test

List VMs on the ESXi server with the World ID
esxcli vm process list

Kill a VM
esxcli vm process kill –t soft -w WorldID

Install updates and drivers on a ESXi host (make sure the ESXI host is MaintenanceMode)
esxcli software vib install -d /vmfs/volumes/VMFS01/patches/nameoftheupdate.zip

List physical NICs and connection state
esxcli network nic list

List network information for the VM
esxcli network vm list

List the devices currently controlled by the VMware NMP Multipath Plugin and show the SATP and PSP information associated with that device
esxcli storage nmp device list

List VAAI properties for devices currently registered with the PSA.
esxcli storage core device vaai status get

Change the default pathing policy to Round Robin
esxcli storage nmp satp set –default-psp VMW_PSP_RR –satp youre_satp_policy